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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Back in the gym

10 push up
1 set 15 115
3 sets 10 135
Incline dumbbell
3 sets 10 35
Decline bench machine
8 2 plates
2 x 8 80
Fly on cable cross over
10 20
2x 10 25
Tri rope ext
2x 35
Tri rope ext up
25 x2
Ab workout 1 three sets

Monday, July 23, 2012

23 July 2012

30 push press
500m row
20 push press
1000m row
10 push press
1500m row

2 mile run
100 push ups
100 flutter kicks

Thursday, May 3, 2012

03 May 2012

6 6 6 6 6 press 88 lbs
6 6 6 6 clean practice 88 lbs
10 10 10 shoulder shrugs 133 lbs

Met Con:
5 Man Maker's 20 lbs
10 Kettlebell Swings 30 KGs
15 Sit ups
20 Air squats

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1 May 2012

Death by 25 meters (out on 11th round)
1 minute each (4 rounds):
push ups
pull ups
air squats

10 KB press 35 lbs
10 KB shrug/clean lift 55 lbs
10 KB one arm (right) front raise
10 KB one arm (left) front raise
10 KB both side arm raise

Met Con:
4 rounds for time of: (15:00)
5 man maker's 20 lbs
25m KB carry
15 2' box jumps
25m KB carry

Monday, April 30, 2012

FG 30 Apr 2012

5 miles in 38:00
10 pull ups

30 Apr 2012

5 mile run: < 38:00

Dead Lift Max: 130 kilos
Practiced cleans
800m row with gas mask (4 minutes)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fitness Goals

100 push ups in 2 minutes
100 sit ups in 2 minutes
5 mile run in 35 minutes
6 mile ruck in 1 hour and 10 minutes
20 pull ups, dead hang

25 Apr 2012

New workout partner taught me something new. It's a take on the 5/3/1 for strength building. What you do is find your max on an event (today we did squats). The formula for figuring out what weight to do is this:
(Max weight)*(.90)=3 Rep Max (3RM)
3RM*(.80)=5 reps
3RM*(.85)=5 reps
3RM*(.90)=3 reps
3RM*(.90)=as many reps as possible. If you get more than five, it's time to up the previous weights.

For my squats it was: 190 max
As this is not exact science, just round off to wherever it's easiest to make the weight.

5 reps 132 lbs (60 kilos)
5 reps 65 kilos
3 reps 70 kilos
5 reps 70 kilos (burnout)

Elke workout. Suppose to be 5 rounds for time, but I only did 3 because it is a killer.
10 squats (85% body weight)
5 man makers (ridiculously tough) 15lbs
500m row
3 rounds 16:26
The weights are adjustable based on fitness.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

24 Apr 2012

3 rounds
Round 1:
15 front squat press
30 2' box jump
5 pull ups
10 reverse crunches on pull up bar
5 chin ups
10 feet to walls on push up bar
20 kettlebell swings
20 medicine wall ball throw
25m tire flip
5 minutes Jacobs ladder
Round 2:
12 front squat press
25 2' box jump
5 pull ups
10 reverse crunches on pull up bar
5 chin ups
10 feet to walls on push up bar
20 kettlebell swings
15 medicine wall ball throw
25m tire flip
4 minutes Jacobs ladder
Round 3:
10 front squat press
20 2' box jump
5 pull ups
10 reverse crunches on pull up bar
5 chin ups
10 feet to walls on push up bar
20 kettlebell swings
10 medicine wall ball throw
25m tire flip
3 minutes Jacobs ladder

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

17 Apr 2012

3 rounds:

1st round:
15 clean press 88#
15 kettle bell swings 25#
30 24" box jumps
50 meter sled push 90# + sled weight
5 minutes Jacob's ladder

2nd round:
12 clean press 88#
12 kettle bell swings 25#
25 24" box jumps
50 meter sled push 90# + sled weight
4 minutes Jacob's ladder

3rd round:
10 clean press 88#
10 kettle bell swings 25#
20 24" box jumps
50 meter sled push 90# + sled weight
3 minutes Jacob's ladder

Should take less than an hour to finish.

Then I went for a 45 minute spin class.

Monday, April 16, 2012

16 Apr 2012

4 rounds of:
10 bench press
10 fly's
10 push ups

3 rounds of:
10 V-ups with bench press (bench up with legs touching bar; bench down with legs going down)
10 2-count flutter kicks with bench (hold bar above head and stabilize bar)
10 reverse crunches with bench
10 bench press with legs straight out

2 rounds of:
10 dumb bell press (5 right hand, 5 left hand, 5 together)
10 dumb bell incline

1 round of:
Push ups (AMAP) using dumb bells and at the top of the push up, pull the weights to your chest (one at a time)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

14 Mar 2012

PT Test

55 Push ups - 77
77 Sit ups - 96
12:54 2 mile - 100

Score: 273

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

6 Mar 2012

Afternoon workout:

Bench press 135 pounds 10 10 10
Incline press 45 pounds each arm (machine) 8 6 6
Decline press 45 pounds each arm (machine) 10 10; 55 10
Tricep pull downs (machine) 50 pounds 10 10 10 10

1 mile 6 minutes on treadmill

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

29 Feb 2012

Dumbbell press: 40 lbs 10 10 10
Decline press: 80 lbs 12 12 12 (machine)
Incline press: 65 lbs 10 10 10 (machine)
Triceps: 110 lbs 12 12 12 (machine)
Butterflies: 25 lbs 10 10 10 (dumbbells)

Ab Workout (for time)
20 crunches
25 4-count flutter kicks
15 right crunches
15 left crunches
25 4-count bicycle
25 twist things

10:07 (last time: 10:25; -:18)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

18 Feb 2012

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

12 rounds

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

7 Feb 2012

14 13 14 16 15 13 12 13 = 110 push ups. One minute rest between sets.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

31 Jan 2012

PT Test

49 Push ups - 70
74 Sit ups - 92
13:26 2 mile - 94

Score: 256

I went down 20 points from my last PT test with 12 points being from push ups. I kind of expected that since my hand was broken and I've been trying to get back into shape. Those 49 push ups were pretty tough, I was really grinding them out. I've got a lot of work to do. I was off pace on my sit ups and ran out of energy a little earlier than expected. I'm usually at 38-40 sit ups at the 1 minute mark, but I was at around 46-48. Not having run in awhile, I was pretty satisfied with my run time.

I tried climbing a rope and apparently climbing is either a perishable skill or my hand still hurts occasionally and climbing rope is one of those occasions.

Monday, January 23, 2012

23 Jan 2012

Now that my hand is healed I get to start working out again. Also, I should start getting money for food so I can start this paleo diet. So today, getting back into working out:

Tabata* push ups - 95 total.

Ab workout:
3 rounds of (for time):
20 crunches
25 4-count flutter kicks
15 right crunches
15 left crunches
25 4-count bicycles
25 4-count twister things

Time: 10:25

*Tabata - 8 rounds of 20 seconds (max) work, 10 seconds rest. 4:00 minutes total time.